Comfort Furniture Landscaping

holiday lights in peoria



About Us

THANK YOU for giving us the opportunity to earn your business! We are a local, independent, family-owned, social impact company. We hire locally, take good care of our employees, and always do our absolute best to maintain the beautiful Earth we have been blessed with!

Below, you'll find an itemized breakdown of the details and pricing associated with each of the landscaping components we discussed during our initial meet-up. After you finish reviewing everything, please give me a call or text at 309-431-1736 to discuss the next steps! 


Warmest Wishes!! 



Landscaping Only



holiday lighting in peoria

Component #1 - Soil Health

 - Insecticide, fungicide, herbicide

 - Liquid nutrients 

 - Fill holes, plant grass to level

 - Grass seed 

Component #2 - Trees

 - Trim 4 trees

 - Nutrient sticks

 - Extra insecticide & fungicide 

 - Dispose of debris

Component #3 - Bushes

 - Remove 7 small bushes, fill holes with grass to level

 - Nutrient sticks

 - Trim bushes 

 - Plant dwarf purple bushes between the green bushes

 - Dispose of debris

Component #4 - Front Door Planters

 - Removal of existing soil/plants, add new soi

 - Very full, professionally designed planting in 2 large planters 

 - Addition of "spilling over" plants that gradually creep down the planters

Component #5 - Sponsor an elderly widow's landscaping 

 - With your purchase, we can complete a complete clean-up (weeding, trimming, gutters) of a local widow's front yard

 - Home located within a 5-mile radius of your shop

 - A commemorative sign advertising your business placed in her yard for 1 month


Landscaping + Living Mural "Abundance"


holiday lights in peoria

holiday lights in peoria

Component #1 - Soil Health

 - Insecticide, fungicide, herbicide

 - Liquid nutrients 

 - Fill holes, plant grass to level

 - Grass seed 

Component #2 - Trees

 - Trim 4 trees

 - Nutrient sticks

 - Extra insecticide & fungicide 

 - Dispose of debris

Component #3 - Bushes

 - Remove 7 small bushes, fill holes with grass to level

 - Nutrient sticks

 - Trim bushes 

 - Plant dwarf purple bushes between the green bushes

 - Dispose of debris

Component #4 - Front Door Planters

 - Removal of existing soil/plants, add new soi

 - Very full, professionally designed planting in 2 large planters 

 - Addition of "spilling over" plants that gradually creep down the planters  

Component #5 - Sponsor an elderly widow's landscaping 

 - With your purchase, we can complete a complete clean-up (weeding, trimming, gutters) of a local widow's front yard

 - Home located within a 5-mile radius of your shop

 - A commemorative sign advertising your business placed in her yard for 1 month

Component #6 - Living Roof Mural

 - Creation of a one-of-a kind artistic display made of live plants to be displayed hanging from your roofline

 - Well-known locaartist

 - Press release to local television and radio stations

 - Social media advertising 



Landscaping + Living Mural "Abundance"

+ Safety Lighting


holiday lights in peoria

Component #1 - Soil Health

 - Insecticide, fungicide, herbicide

 - Liquid nutrients 

 - Fill holes, plant grass to level

 - Grass seed 

Component #2 - Trees

 - Trim 4 trees

 - Nutrient sticks

 - Extra insecticide & fungicide 

 - Dispose of debris

Component #3 - Bushes

 - Remove 7 small bushes, fill holes with grass to level

 - Nutrient sticks

 - Trim bushes 

 - Plant dwarf purple bushes between the green bushes

 - Dispose of debris

Component #4 - Front Door Planters

 - Removal of existing soil/plants, add new soi

 - Very full, professionally designed planting in 2 large planters 

 - Addition of "spilling over" plants that gradually creep down the planters  

Component #5 - Sponsor an elderly widow's landscaping 

 - With your purchase, we can complete a complete clean-up (weeding, trimming, gutters) of a local widow's front yard

 - Home located within a 5-mile radius of your shop

 - A commemorative sign advertising your business placed in her yard for 1 month

Component #6 - Living Roof Mural

 - Creation of a one-of-a kind artistic display made of live plants to be displayed on your roof

 - Well-known locaartist

 - Press release to local television and radio stations

 - Social media advertising 

Component #7 - Safety Lighting to Protect Your Business

 - Add lights to the living mural

 - Add lights to the trees

 - Add lights to the green bushes 

 - Add purple, icicle-style lighting to the roofline

 - Add purple, icicle-style lighting to the overhang

Component #8 - Seasonally Scented Entrance

 - Fresh greenery wreath on the front door

 - Scented pinecones stationed near the front door   



Next steps

As you consider and discuss our design recommendations, you can feel confident that we use only the highest quality materials, the most efficient processes, the latest technology, and on-trend styling to accomplish your company's goals for its exterior appearance. After you look everything over, please give us a call at 309-431-1736 to discuss a timeline for moving forward.



Schedule today! 

Our first available appointment is Saturday, November 30th. We encourage you to schedule your installation as soon as possible! Our calendar fills up quickly during this time of year. Shipping will take 2-3 days, and your artist must also spend a considerable amount of time creating your custom pieces. 

We require 80% payment up front in order to schedule your installation. We accept all major credit/debit cards, check, cash, CashApp and Venmo. If, after ordering, you decide to cancel your installation, we will happily refund your payment proportionately related to your display's progress. 


One For One

Although the holidays are a time of wonder, joy and inspiration for some, the holiday season is historically the most dangerous time period for Peoria's children. Emotional and physical child abuse, emergency room visits, rates of domestic violence, and incidences of child homelessness all spike sharply in the time period between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day. While we want to decorate your business to generate publicity, attract new customers, and build a positive reputation in town, our main purpose in decorating your business is to help prevent adverse childhood experiences.

Because of your purchase with Jingle Holiday Lights, we will be able to carry out a fallandscaping cleanup for a widow this year, and help a widow in Peoria who could benefit from your generosity and holiday spirit.